對於我這種學術菜鳥來說,投稿期刊的審查意見之回覆,該如何面對與心情調適還不成熟,尤其是最近第二篇期刊文章投稿剛收到回覆,雖然編輯來信帶來好消息,只要些微修改就會接受出版。但是看到兩位審查意見之天壤之別,深深感受到不同方法論之間的差異與不相容,第一個意見非常肯定,有相當的學術貢獻,並提出詳細的改進意見。第二位的意見就非常不屑,我想他(她)根本沒看,然後就是短短一小段文字,然後也沒有說要不要退件,只質疑我的研究內容只有一個統計上相關性分析,這樣也算是有貢獻嗎?然後完全不管其他的資料及分析,就說如果這個答案注定是yes, 那這個期刊就是一個適當的"outlet"...算他狠.... 然同一個問題,第一個審查意見也有提到,他(她)就覺得這個表格的分析不能讓他信服,而且還說這種類型的分析不適合放在這裡,請我拿掉....其實這個統計分析的表格有或沒有,並不會影響到研究的結論,而混用不同方法論的方法的下場就是這樣,不過沒試過,也不知道到底是怎樣一回事.....

另一方面,第一次被邀請扮演研究領域相關的期刊文章審查工作。當初答應是覺得看起來並沒有使用高深的統計工具,而引用的文獻也絕大多數是我熟悉的。然而細讀就發現,以我初淺的經驗,會覺得該文章並沒有任何證據或新發現,只是提出很多聲明或宣言,對於學術上來說,並沒有實質貢獻。為求審慎,請老師幫我看看,是不是我的意見太過狹隘,結果老師竟然說他也同意我的看法,如果他是審查人員他會傾向退件,但是如果邀請作者做根本性的修改會比較仁慈一點。以我對於這個期刊的了解,好像不會再做第二次審查....這樣的文章如果出爐,後果不堪設想....所以今天掙扎一小下,為了捍衛期刊的名聲,提出很多問題與建議後 還是建議退件.............

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NorthWest (NW) England is such a region with so many different bits within it. As one of the interviewees told me, he has great difficulty with the concept of NorthWest England. In my research, I excluded the Cumbria(the north part of NW), which has well-known attraction worldwide, the Lake District. Generally, the most representative characteristic and the biggest bits of North West (Manchester, Liverpool, and Lancashire) are deeply associated with Industrial Revolution: the legacy and the problems now this region has. But actually after the visit to Chester, I think the diversity of British economy is encapsulated in North West, about which I just take a hint from a superficial observation this afternoon. Clearly Chester is not a typical north-west post-industrial town. Although the administration boundary changes from time to time, Chester has a quite demonstrable administrative function as a centre of Cheshire, just as Preston as the county centre of Lancashire. Basically, the heavy industrial revolution passes Cheshire by, not brings much similar trouble to Cheshire as Lancashire. Now Chester is famous for its rich history back to Roman period, tourism and shopping. Chester is also the original base for a well-known Grosvenor family, which surname directly reminded me of Grosvenor international property investor, which financed "Liverpool one" large retail development in Liverpool city centre. After "Google-ing", indeed the history of Grosvenor is associated with Sir Thomas Grosvenor, 3th Baronet (equivalent to modern Duke of Westminster) (http://www.grosvenor.com/About+Grosvenor/History.htm).This Grosvenor estates also involves in several large British city centre retail developments. The recent one is Liverpool One and Bullring in Birmingham. As for Cheshire northern areas adjacent to Greater Manchester south, is actually the main cluster for these bourgeoise of Manchester. The whole NW is generally uneven, a big gap between the Greater Manchester North (Plus the surrounding part of Southern Lancashire) and Greater Manchester South (plus the northern part of Cheshire). There is a clear economic geography emerged for North West, which is still very much the origin of problem for the current process of economic restructuring. Manchester located between the industrialised Lancashire and the affluent Cheshire as a commercial hub in industrial revolution period has different economic function from the northern supporting towns like Burnley, Blackburn and southern agricultural rich land owners in Cheshire. This is of course coarse classification, but it reveals certain fact of the situation. There are two interesting observations here. 1.The definition of skill changes regarding the different types of economic activities in different times. Nowadays, when people come to the low skilled worker in the Lancashire, that means the lack of knowledge economy in these heavy industry. The similar sense of cause also avoids the industrialisation process in Cheshire because these agricultural people could not satisfy the labour force needed as in the Lancashire. However, the machinery revolution and intangible knowledge intensive economy seem to have very little need of this type of skill, which creates huge problems for them. 2. The shopping experiences in the historical prestigious town centre like Chester is very different from modern British city centre retail-led regeneration, enjoyable, and unique. But there is an association which seems that the Grosvenor originally from historically successful and well-known retail town still heavily determined and influenced the fate of British cities in developing their retail attraction. Plus, worth mentioning, every 5-minute free bus services between train station and town centre is very popular and pleasant. I will definitely buy a ticket to go here again. These observations in part help me to see the underlying structure in the modern city development and their economic fate from the historical point of view! Overall, it is worth visiting a place with oneself's verdict !IMG_2151.JPG

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Personally, this is the third year coming for this well-established show in the European architectural field. For some reason, I like this year's show the most, spent more time on reading the texts of design concepts, more interested in the issues they are involved in, and also appreciate the way they present their work.


The narratives of the interactions with urban context presented by Unit 17 interest me the most. The topic is "decay and emergence: the becoming of cities". Rio de Janeiro was chosen as the scene of their field work. Within this group, two of them especially drew my attention partly because they are nominated in the short list of awards, partly due to the availability of portfolio next to their drawings, which allows me to understand the underlying ideas of work. One is about tramway interchange, while the other is about the immigration centre. Two themes in the tramway interchange project are "movement and lost in translation". On the other, the immigration centre project attemptsto theorise the architecture of arrival. 

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生態與開發須兼顧是基本觀念,但這次問題並非在於要不要開發,而是如何開發及在哪裡開發?成長開發即使是西方已發展之先進國家,如何進行成長開發仍然是非常重要的課題,如英國的棕地(Brown field)再發展原則,由行政部門擬定國土空間發展願景扮演重要角色來引導開發,除加以管制綠地開發(green field),並鼓勵原棕地優先進行都市更新或再發展。棕地泛指已經開發利用過的土地,一般來說,因經濟結構轉變,新興經濟活動常崛起於其他地區,而離開逐漸沒落的棕地,造成許多棕地廢棄不用;其二,棕地因再開發成本過高,如汙染或開發費時,對於開發商而言,綠地相對容易處理及開發。倘公權力不彰及缺乏空間成長管理策略,都市開發就會淪為私部門開發的競技場。

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當台灣高鐵通車後三年不到,財務營運破產由政府接手之際,焦點似乎圍繞在造成高鐵虧損之種種財務議題,同時也對於預定增加苗栗、員林、彰化三高鐵站之計畫蒙上陰影,而地方期待高鐵站帶來經濟發展所施加的政治壓力,讓政府豪氣地保證三站之設置開發仍繼續推動,然這樣的承諾實需要更細緻的評估。對於中長途距離旅程,高速鐵路被視為極具競爭力,尤其明顯縮短乘車時間以及提高運輸能力等解決交通需求之直接效益,其間接效益如高速鐵路對於經濟發展之影響:是否高鐵連接到偏遠或發展落後之城市就會為地方帶來經濟轉型發展契機,一直是爭議的焦點。以歐洲高速鐵路網之建置為例,空間經濟學家認為,因為聚集經濟的效應,高速鐵路的開通非但不會幫助中繼小城市的發展,反而會因此讓毫無競爭力的小城市的發展機會,因高鐵更加速流失到大城市。一直以來,交通建設就是發展之必要條件但非充分條件。僅有交通建設之可及性,卻無相關地方經濟發展及空間發展策略同步進行,對於發展較弱的城市或許是禍而不是福。高速鐵路主要是運人而非貨物,理論上其對於發展知識經濟服務業將有較大的效應,因此可以期待對於高收入通勤族及商務需求之影響。法國高鐵TGV1981年開通後將巴黎與里昂拉近到兩小時可達的範圍,1985年一份研究指出,TGV讓里昂的商業活動更願意以里昂為據點並享受高鐵的便利性,無須遷移到巴黎發展,而巴黎的商業活動則更集中在巴黎周邊發展。然最近的一份研究報告卻仍認為里昂的經濟活動被吸引到巴黎發展。而這樣的經驗值得我們深思,台灣無相關研究檢驗是否高速鐵路對所經過的縣市帶來經濟效益,而就現有高鐵站周邊土地開發之實況亦非如預期發展。七大高鐵站區開發模式均以劃定特定區計畫的方式將高鐵站區周邊規劃商業區、住宅區、文教區等用地,期待高速鐵路將帶動周邊發展成為一個新的都市發展區域。除桃園站區及新竹站區吸引較多民間投資土地開發外,其餘站區幾乎僅有高鐵車站本身及周邊的停車場成為主角,與當初所預期之土地開發熱況成為諷刺的對比。而因為地點偏遠,聯外交通之不足成為另一個土地開發上之罩門。對於發展較為遲緩之小城市,一廂情願將高速鐵路的開通視為地方經濟發展的同義詞時,證據到底在哪裡? 當台灣高速鐵路的財務計畫引發大眾加以撻伐之同時,是否思考過像高鐵如此高資本投入之公共建設,納稅人的錢應該更花在刀口上,我們雖然搭上有高速鐵路國家之行列,但是如果我們沒能利用這樣的投資為台灣帶來的策略性發展契機,機會流逝不說,讓我們的國土發展及地方經濟發展反而變成零碎無力。交通計畫、經濟發展計畫及空間發展計畫實為一體三面,藉由本次高鐵對台灣社會帶來的衝擊,實應好好痛切思痛,全面思考高鐵對台灣各地方之空間發展及經濟發展所能帶來的效益與機會,新設三高鐵站不應再重蹈覆轍。

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