25th Feb 2009 

I went to see Che part2 alone since Rebecca could not make it and I didn't want to miss the second part of the movie. The venue was in a cinema called "Screen on the green" in Islington Angel very close to where I live. It usually is screening independent movies more than commercial ones. I was sad when the movie finished, espeically for a person like me who grew up in the society and have been influenced by the mainstream capitalism and indifferent to the proletariat of other countries in the world who were the losers from the capitalism and suffering from the hardship. As fas as I have known so far, Che Guevara who grew up in an Argentian middle-class family realised how Capitalism exerted the power of economic colonisation in this continent and was supported by the unawareness and inability of the ruling class of Latin America. It led to the situation where the ordinary people were living in poor heathy condition, lacking proper education, and were exploited by the unfair trade...etc. Hence, he joined the cuban revolution with Fidel Castro and successfully overturn the government in the end. Even though this victory was real, he was not obsessed with the magic of power and continually contributed himself to the spread of the seed of revolution to other places such as Congo and Bolivia. In the Che Part 2, it was filmed about the revolution of a short one year in Bolivia, which was describing how the guerrilla was assembled, trained, betraied, caught, and of course how Guevara was executed. The role of CIA-USA was heavily and directly involved in how they supported Bolivian military groups to destroy this revolutionary action initiated by Che with the overwhelmingly amount of troops and resource. I was speachless to the facts that the US government got involved actively for preventing the possibility of second Cuban revolution, the ignorance and betrayal by the Bolivian peasants and the extremely difficult situation where the guerrilla was doomed to failure. Probably the current global economic crisis would bring back the issue about the doom of capitalism. In retrospect, I could not predict or provide any certain answer to it. From my own research, I start to understand the distribution and locations of economic activities, the development and operation of capitalism, and the division of labours in global scales. But, certainly I think it is necessary for me also, from now on, to be more conscious of different aspects of impacts by captialism, e.g. the social and politial aspects. 

 前天自己一個人跑去看了Che Part2,就在我住的附近的一家Screen on the green 戲院,這家戲院只有一間放映室,規模比現在很多倫敦的戲院都還大,但是主要放映一些議題性的電影。 看完之後感觸很深,尤其對於我這位從小就是在台灣主流資本主義思潮教育薰陶之下長大的人,從來沒有機會去接觸或也不從體會或想去了解到世界上其他地方的一些社會底層,是如何被資本主義所壓榨而生活困難。對於Che Guevara 這位阿根廷籍人,看清美國資本主義對於拉丁美洲的經濟殖民:對於地方老百姓缺乏妥善教育、健康醫療等生活的貧困之漠視及經濟生產之壓榨與不公,進而協助卡斯楚於古巴之遊擊革命,成功後不戀棧權位,繼續協助剛果(Congo)及玻利維亞(Bolivia)進行革命,Che Part2 主要是描述在 Bolivia 期間短短一年之內的情況到最後被處決。當中,美國 CIA 協助 Bolivia 軍方提供大量軍力及資源,最後Che在資源中斷,軍隊圍困之下,在 Bolivia 被捕及處決。 感觸是:美國無法容忍拉丁美洲再出現第二個古巴而介入;玻利維亞農民的無知與背叛;在大環境不利還得以小敵眾的無力可施。 或許2008年第四季開始帶來的全球金融風暴,讓當初一批認為資本主義會滅亡的學者,又回到當年學術熱潮,炒熱議題。我想我也還不能做神麼預言,因為我也才剛踏進這個領域,從自己的研究了解經濟活動的理論與分布,資本主義的運作過程,以全球的尺度勞力如何被分工....等,不過,將來我想我會更有意識的去了解資本主義對各層面之影響,包括社會及政治。

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2009/02/03 苦勞評論

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昨天跟一位英國友人去Camden Odeon 看電影 Che(part1), 這是第一次跟她去看電影。當她幾天之前跟我提議去看這部電影時,我毫不猶豫的一口答應,因為之前看過另一部有關Che Guevara的電影,"單車日記"敘述有關他年輕時跟一位朋友騎摩托車遊遍拉丁美洲,深深體會到拉丁美洲國家的百姓深受獨裁政府統治以及百姓民不聊生的現實,而美國支持及透過拉丁美洲國家的獨裁政體,實施資本主義壟斷、拉丁美洲國家被當作殖民地一般的剝削,可謂其中的一大關鍵。這次這部Che(PART1) 則是敘述有關 CHE 加入古巴 Pidel Castro(卡斯楚)的游擊隊,如何推翻當時的由Fulgencio Batista所帶領的獨裁政體。我不太清楚這部電影在台灣有沒有上映,不過在倫敦倒是幾乎隨便一家電影院都有上映,我很驚訝昨天晚上我去的那間電影院,整間放映廳幾乎是爆滿,或許是星期六晚上之緣故以及一般百姓對於這個電影的普遍興趣(即使是一部西班牙語片加英文字幕)。過去在台灣,絕大多數的文化都是受美國及日本的影響為主。對於知識的選擇除非外文很好或者是有名師開導,不然只能被動的接受台灣媒體所植入的訊息及價值觀。像這樣的題材,在台灣基本上是蠻冷門的,古巴卡斯楚我知道。但是過去一聽到獨裁頭子卡斯楚,無疑地,獨裁就是等同於不好的,就是壞的,卻從來沒有興趣去了解為何會是這樣? 也從來沒有去質疑過事件背後真象,如涉及其龐大利益,所以美國干預其他國家所扮演的角色。許多電影裡,都已經點出這樣的現象,如最新QUANTUM OF SOLACE, 就點出為了要壟斷BOLIVIA 的水資源,美國是如何介入,當然不止美國,或許英國或其他國家也都有不同程度的類似做法。而在英國(至少我所接觸以來) CHE Guevara是一個代表社會主義的精神典範, 他的身影成為ICON,仍不斷地被消費再生產複製在日常生活中,如T-shirt, 帽子,或杯子等等。 對於我而言,出國唸書最大的價值,應該就是學習去了解事物的本質,透過不同觀點的激盪,對於議題保有多元觀點的認識,而非人云亦云,或直接接受外來植入的觀點,這是一個大環境長期以來所累積的文化涵養與價值,個人則需判斷力、敏感度也需要有實踐的能力,才能有批判性的觀點。在國外遇到的朋友也很重要,他們的成長背景與價值觀與我們的不同,對我的衝擊,正開啟了我對於事件與世界不同角度及看法之差異,產生興趣與質疑,我想這也是重要的養分之一,所以非常珍惜現在的經驗。

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