目前分類:[評論]都市再發展案例與課題 (6)

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2013-01-09 15.25.28  

一位Liverpool John Moores UniversityProfessor Michael Parkinson 告訴我,Professor Peter Hall 曾經跟他提過兩帖配方可以幫助一個城市活起來: 機場與大學。初聽到這個,就想把腦筋裡面知道的城市案例,回想一下,是不是符合這樣的條件。然而這個需要仔細分析。不管是大學或機場,在全球的網絡架構之下,城市的定位大致都被階級化了。而大學或機場樣也是有類別等級。大學有類型與國內外排名、機場也有國際型或區域型或國內型,這是動態的,並取決於定位與策略,而不是 “有” “無”而已。台灣有一陣子公私大學紛紛成立,來進行土地開發,刺激地方繁榮。創立者到底是怎麼看待教育或技術養成這件事?


1990年代Professor Peter Taylor與一群學者進行GaWC- 全球城市排名研究成果將台北定位為 B (二線城市),全球城市如紐約、倫敦、巴黎則屬A (一線城市)。但20多年了,是不是台北還站穩這樣的地位,有待啟動新的調查研究,其他台灣城市就不再此列。關鍵是因亞洲的經濟成長與崛起,讓這些西方一線城市還是不斷地在持續演變企圖保持領先的差距甚至拉大,發展高價值的知識經濟。大英圖書館,是典型的“世界級知識工廠”,成排成列地學者努力地打字念書寫作,不斷地生產概念與理論之後外銷到全世界,引導論述。當走過倫敦UCL 校園,看到這個去年設置的新標示-Change The World , 不斷地置入性行銷並將UCLGlobal University的這個Slogan賦予使命, 看到歐洲國家為保有優勢,非常努力有意識有策略地精進,試問台灣,各大學是否有明確地對於教育與知識的期許及定位? 或者進步的策略? 我們需要培養什麼樣的人才,這不能僅是幾個有心的人喊話,而需要系統性的改革與思考! 我們是否能將台灣的自我問題研究清楚跟世界公平對話? 而不予思索改進的僵化系統,恐終將會被更嚴重地邊緣化。


風水輪流轉, 用在都市發展上,簡單說應該是一個地方的興衰輪替, 可從不同尺度來談 (國內外、東西方、或其他)。對我來說, 起點是一個地方的天然地理資源特色,就長期都市發展脈絡來看,在不同時代不同地點建立起並發展不同的產業。但是在西方國家這個優勢已經不再明顯反而是包袱。以英國為例,工業革命初期,Lancashire 的偏僻山野利用水力資源(或開闢運河) 所發展的紡織工業小鎮,港口發展航海貿易的利物浦,格拉斯哥的造船業,鐵路時代Crewe這個鐵路集散小鎮的興起,還有公路時代Warrington新鎮的崛起,這些工業城市的特色就是處理貨物而非知識,都面對了轉型的壓力,現在的城市發展靠的是掌握人流、錢流、知識流、等等,扮演很重要的角色,而有這樣條件的城市通常是主要首都城市或二三線城市的再發展(台灣喜歡講都市更新或再生,但是台灣絕大多數都市更新還是以私部門房地產開發為導向),而交通樞紐的發展是其中一個重要課題,透過交通的網絡的建立與擴張,聯繫與創造新的經濟圈與生活圈,解決單一核心發展的各項問題,讓主要城市的周邊的大小城市可以一起永續地分工發展,讓工作就業居住能在良好的交通系統運作下被管理。此涉及土地使用與交通條件的配合。

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aerial_Lens Louvre _ by Iwan Baan   

Photograph: Iwan Baan *

羅浮宮 Lens 分館於2012年12月5日開館,Lens 是過去法國北部的一個煤礦鎮,為減低都市不均衡發展之差距,Nord-Pas-de-Calais 區域政府於2000年成立Coal mining mission (MBM),積極規劃並協助弱勢地方轉型,2003年積極參與羅浮宮分館的邀標書,成功出線,法國羅浮宮分館Lens 落成開幕一月後,參觀人次已達14萬人,跟開館時所估第一年70萬人次,往後每年50萬人次相比,似乎超過預期地受歡迎與注目。

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Big Society leads to Big Gap

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NorthWest (NW) England is such a region with so many different bits within it. As one of the interviewees told me, he has great difficulty with the concept of NorthWest England. In my research, I excluded the Cumbria(the north part of NW), which has well-known attraction worldwide, the Lake District. Generally, the most representative characteristic and the biggest bits of North West (Manchester, Liverpool, and Lancashire) are deeply associated with Industrial Revolution: the legacy and the problems now this region has. But actually after the visit to Chester, I think the diversity of British economy is encapsulated in North West, about which I just take a hint from a superficial observation this afternoon. Clearly Chester is not a typical north-west post-industrial town. Although the administration boundary changes from time to time, Chester has a quite demonstrable administrative function as a centre of Cheshire, just as Preston as the county centre of Lancashire. Basically, the heavy industrial revolution passes Cheshire by, not brings much similar trouble to Cheshire as Lancashire. Now Chester is famous for its rich history back to Roman period, tourism and shopping. Chester is also the original base for a well-known Grosvenor family, which surname directly reminded me of Grosvenor international property investor, which financed "Liverpool one" large retail development in Liverpool city centre. After "Google-ing", indeed the history of Grosvenor is associated with Sir Thomas Grosvenor, 3th Baronet (equivalent to modern Duke of Westminster) (http://www.grosvenor.com/About+Grosvenor/History.htm).This Grosvenor estates also involves in several large British city centre retail developments. The recent one is Liverpool One and Bullring in Birmingham. As for Cheshire northern areas adjacent to Greater Manchester south, is actually the main cluster for these bourgeoise of Manchester. The whole NW is generally uneven, a big gap between the Greater Manchester North (Plus the surrounding part of Southern Lancashire) and Greater Manchester South (plus the northern part of Cheshire). There is a clear economic geography emerged for North West, which is still very much the origin of problem for the current process of economic restructuring. Manchester located between the industrialised Lancashire and the affluent Cheshire as a commercial hub in industrial revolution period has different economic function from the northern supporting towns like Burnley, Blackburn and southern agricultural rich land owners in Cheshire. This is of course coarse classification, but it reveals certain fact of the situation. There are two interesting observations here. 1.The definition of skill changes regarding the different types of economic activities in different times. Nowadays, when people come to the low skilled worker in the Lancashire, that means the lack of knowledge economy in these heavy industry. The similar sense of cause also avoids the industrialisation process in Cheshire because these agricultural people could not satisfy the labour force needed as in the Lancashire. However, the machinery revolution and intangible knowledge intensive economy seem to have very little need of this type of skill, which creates huge problems for them. 2. The shopping experiences in the historical prestigious town centre like Chester is very different from modern British city centre retail-led regeneration, enjoyable, and unique. But there is an association which seems that the Grosvenor originally from historically successful and well-known retail town still heavily determined and influenced the fate of British cities in developing their retail attraction. Plus, worth mentioning, every 5-minute free bus services between train station and town centre is very popular and pleasant. I will definitely buy a ticket to go here again. These observations in part help me to see the underlying structure in the modern city development and their economic fate from the historical point of view! Overall, it is worth visiting a place with oneself's verdict !IMG_2151.JPG

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氣候變遷之挑戰是目前最急迫之課題,身為英國政府所屬建築、都市設計與公共開放空間之專業智囊團,英國建築與人造環境委員會(Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment,CABE)一直以來以協助英國都市及城鎮如何達成更永續之場所為職志,CABE 於兩年前開始進行一項新的行動計畫 “永續都市”,此研究成果為規劃、設計、管理都市與鄉鎮之相關參與決策人員提供重要的教育訊息,於20093月英國建築與人造環境委員會 (CABE) 宣布永續城市溝通平台網站正式啟用,此網站正是此為期兩年之研究計畫成果。此計畫採納三十位英國環境與永續專業顧問之建議,並與英國八大核心都市包括伯明罕(Birmingham)、 布里斯托(Bristol)、里茲(Leeds)、利物浦(Liverpool)、曼徹斯特(Manchester)、紐卡斯爾(Newcastle)、諾丁漢 (Nottingham) 以及雪菲爾(Sheffield) 合作,透過英國重要核心城市的再生活化經驗,來了解如何可更永續、更有彈性地對待氣候變遷。此資訊平台為複雜的氣候變遷課題提供了專業的意見、明確的優先行動方針並介紹永續都市設計及管理之全球優良案例供各界參考使用。

CABE指出降低都市與鄉鎮之排碳量,並非不可能達成,但是必須能夠具有正確決策之遠見,協助都市與城鎮避免意想不到的後果。CABE認為實施低碳並非只是有關住宅品質之提升而是該如何過生活。比方說如何平衡高密度生活模式與更多綠化與自然空間? 如何解決未來20年能源需求與供應之問題? CABE提出缺乏系統性的計畫而僅單獨地降低碳排放量是有可能發生破壞環境品之情況,舉例來說:發明了電力交通工具原以為可降低碳排放,倘若無兼顧交通管理、提供更多步行空間、自行車道、美麗的街道與開放空間,反而無法對整體環境有所助益。因此實施低碳策略,同時也應可以達成其他重要課題如能源安全、可負擔的住宅、新增就業機會以及都市活化再生。

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題目是the implications for economic outcomes of implementing European Capitals of Culture(E.C.O.C.)

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